Is this. This is my most favourite (and most finished) part of the whole project so far. This is in the non-TV end of our giant living room. It's a place were we can set up a game of chess, read book (or magazine in my case) and have a cup of nice chai tea. It's a place though, that I cringe if one of the kiddies start to play near because I'd REALLY like to keep these chairs looking crisp, white and new as long as possible. I've already caught them being stood on and head stands happening. Yes, I've many kids here during the day, but I have to put my foot down and keep this place for us grown ups.
I just adore these chairs. I went to Home Outfitters to source out a completely different chair I spotted in their flyer. Being a frugal gal I always look long and hard before I commit to something, UNLESS, it's on a huge deal such as these. En-route to the chairs I went for was one of these set up in the clearance aisle. Had to hunt down an employee to find out the price as the 30% off sign intrigued me. She gave it a scan and it came up $146.99. SOLD! They started out at $299.99, down to $209.00 then the $146.99 then I signed up for a Bay card to receive another 15% off! Now at first I declined said card as I know store credit cards have ridiculous interest rates that I have no interest in having, but sometimes the thought of saving even more can win. OK, I did it, but paid it off within the week so not to get trapped. $125 per chair is steal for something I was in love with.

Snapped a photo to send to hubby to make sure he didn't hate it. His response "don't like the pattern, but look comfortable". That's a yes in my opinion.
I'm not a complete meany, I saved the two giant boxes for them to make their two bedroom fort, complete with Christmas decorations.
Let's talk this fireplace too. As I mentioned before, we opted not to go with another wood burning stove as it would ballpark at around $6000, no thanks. After checking in with my previous employer who sold these (Large Wave by Blomus), as well as over the internet, I found that this model had been discontinued by Blomus, dashing all hope that I would own it. I was just about to go with another make then remembered that used sites sometimes hold the key. That's exactly what happened. By pure luck, a local fireplace showroom was selling their never used floor model for a fraction of it's normal price. As I recall, these retailed for $2400, I nabbed it for $500 without any haggling. On top of that deal, the seller threw in 6, 4 litre jugs of the ethanol fuel that it runs on. SCORE!
Anyhoo, on with dinner. Soon to follow, dining room and dining room progress.